Wednesday, June 30, 1971

Rev. Arthur Tudball, St. Thomas Church, Kuching City

台德宝牧師 Rev. Arthur Tudball

Rev. Arthur Tudball served the Chinese Congregation of St. Thomas Church, Malaysia from 1971 to 1972.
Rev. Arthur Tudball came from England and first served in the Anglican Mission in Beaufort Town of Sabah, Malaysia in the 1960s. Its was here in Beaufort Town he met and married his Hakka speaking Chinese wife. While in Beaufort Town he began to learn to read and write Chinese Language and speak Mandarin and Hakka.
In last 1960s Rev. A Tudball was transferred to St. Thomas Church of Kuching Town. The members call him "Father Tudball".

During his 2 years in the Chinese Congregation. Father Tudball frequently spoke in the Chinese Radio programme "Heavenly Message". He spoke in Mandarin through the radio. This "Heavenly Message” is a 15 minutes religious programme of Radio Television Malaysia conducted by several Christian churches on each Sunday. Each church takes their turn in routing.

One day in 1971 during my visit to Father Tudball's quarter in St. Thomas church compound, a young student was also around. Father Tudball told me the boy was his adapted son. He adoupted 2 sons from the longhouses' poor families and sponsor their living and schooling in St. Thomas Secondary School.  His 2 adopted sons stay in the school hostal (?)

Father Tudball has no children of his own.  I became acquanted to  Mrs. Tudball when we realized each other were from Sabah.  Both of us are Hakka people. She was from Beaufort Town of Sabah, the town known for its coffee and rubber export.  Hakka Chinese farmers have been intensively involved in rubber and coffee plantation since the British era before First World War.

Young Tudball was sent by the mission to this small Beaufort Town for the Chinese ministry. Here he met a girl who later became his wife. (Most probably the first Chinese girl in this town to marry a Westerner).  This explains why Father Tudball understands and speaks Hakka dialect.


自賈夢九牧師於 1970年底返回台彎後,在無牧者的過渡時期,就請了來自英國的台德寶牧師來替。台德寶牧師積極地學習中文,為要向本地的華人傳福音。當時的崇拜是以雙語進行。台德寶牧師用英語講道由萬道寛弟兄作翻譯。台德寶牧師任職期間,他發動了關懷老人院的事工,還帶領首著弟兄姐妺裁剪褲子給老人,也帶領在麻風病院的祟拜。雖然說是過渡時期,但台德寶牧師任職期間也事奉了兩年之久。


台德寶牧師Rev. Arthur Tudball 一位從英國來的牧師, 學習中文向我們傳福音.
我最記得, 有一個主日祟拜,主日學兒童坐在第一排聽他講道. 他那一句充滿英國腔的”讓小孩子到我這裡來”深深旳的吸引我, 至今那一幕還是很清楚.
七十高齡的他, 服事了五十一年,目前居住新加坡, 今天仍然活躍地到處教導和帶領聚會. 他全身,全心的奉獻, 是我學習的榜樣.
台德寶牧師, 謝謝您.

余梅美 : 1956-2006圣多瑪座堂华語部五十周年纪念特刋

On 25-10-2010 someone commented in this blog :

Praise the Lord! I am trying to locate a long lost family friend of mine, who goes by the name of Rev. Arthur Tudball....he was a school teacher in South Africa and is originally from England. He lived for a short while in Singapore, and he had a ministry in India. If this is the same gentleman in the picture, and if you have any news of his contact details, would you please write to me on the email address given below. I will be greatly obliged.

God bless,
jubix88 (at)
October 25, 2010 1:59 PM


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