Sunday, November 7, 1993

Mendioka Cake, Fresh Honey and Spanish Lessons

I bought a big transformer for electric drill.

In the afternoon we took a walk in the mandiorka garden.  The farmer is Juan who worked in Macosur before. He brought us into the small farm house to introduce his mom.

For the evening, we were busy making Mendioka cake wrapped in banana leave  using the oven.

Shirley gave some to the security guide and his brother the boilerman.


We have steamed mandiorka as breakfast.

Lunch time under the mola tree we have roosted chicken with rice.


Shirley learning to use Lotus 1-2-3 for the stock data.

Mr. Hinrichs came from Asuncion  with my salary advance of USD200 in Guarani.

After work at 4:00PM, Jose, a worker, started collecting honey. He put on a head mask and chest away the bees with a smoke gun producing smoke from burning half dried leaves.

The factory maintains a few boxed of honey bees at the bushes. This is my first time to see a real bee hive after removing from the boxes.

Shirley was helping Jose collecting honey from the hives. How do they separate honey from hives? By using 2 bare hands to squeeze the sticky liquid out and collect with a pail on the ground.

They asked me to help. I certainly like to experience such. But I told them just a minute while I return home to wash my 2 hands first.

Jose gave a bottle of honey to us.

Today, is our first Spanish Lesson. Teacher is Mrs. Kintana, the wife of Kintana. Our “classroom” is the veranda of their house.

Three lessons a week Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Company paid the tuition fees. She lends us a copy of Spanish magazine Readers Digest.

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