Tuesday, December 28, 1993

Happy Birthday

Dec.26, 93 (Sunday) Went to the city.  The city opens only half day today.

Dec.27, 93 (Monday) Shirley birthday
Invited workers to come to eat lunch .
Esmelda came to help Shirley. She gave Shirley  a wine bottle and a wine glass as present.
Carlos gave a blouse with color pink.

We have sandia. Its water melon season.
Luis Roberta was late we already finished eating when he came. In the afternoon it was raining.

Sunday, December 26, 1993

Christmas in Paraguay

Dec. 20 1993 (Monday) Workers work up to 3:00PM only. Holiday mood. Some already started Christmas vacation.

The nephew of Lucy came to macosur selling Ice cream.  Carlos and Shirley bought 2 ice creams each..

December 21, 93 (Tuesday) Fixed a new air conditioner in my office.
Hugo was the one who put up the air condition is assisted by Luis .

Dec 24, 1993 (Friday) Lucy and Shirley  went to ciudad del este to buy something for tonight noche Buena. In ciudad del este only half day until 12:00.

Shirley cooked spaghetti for noche buena
Wife of Luis cooked mandiorka
Luis barbequing 2 whole chickens.

When 12:00 (Noche buena) came everybody greet each other . Luis kissed his wife. Carlos’s wife did not come.

While we are eating Eduardo came just to greet us.

Dec.25, 93 (Saturday) Its Christmas Day. At 8:30 we went to Church. Only 22 people in the church .

After reaching home we eat breakfast in the garden. We invited Luis, Jose,Nestor ,Mario was late. It was already 10:30 when we decided to go to house of Esmelda together with Jose.
In the house of Esmelda she introduce her daughter who was working in Argentina. After eating Lunch we go to the river to swim but we did not swim.

At around 2:30 We went to house of Torres after drinking coke we come back to macosur.

Sunday, December 19, 1993

Gift Exchange again

December 19, 93 (Sunday) Today we had a very party than last Sunday.

The following workers who came were: 1 Raul Nunez, Maximo Paiva and the sister, Ana Maidana, Arcildo Varon, Jose Maciado, Valdovino, Hugo, Eduardo, Nestor, Lucy Luis, the late comer were Celia and Angel and also Jose

My gift from Carlos is brief and cap, Shirley gift from Ana was also a cap those are both nice. 

Friday, December 17, 1993


Dec.16, 93 (Thursday) An exciting day for Shirley for her first time to learn to drive a forklift and a car.

Nestor (the folk lift driver) taught her how to drive and lifting up the woods.

In the afternoon at around 5:00 P.M Jose and Evilio came with the car and brought us to KM 16 and 20 and teach her how to drive. Jose also brought us and shows us his house and it was a very nice place.

The company wants me to learn to drive because my works involved in traveling.

December17, 93 (Friday) Happy day for the all workers in this pay day.  Early payday in this month of December for a long Christmas holidays.

Other then  salary, the factory also give (regalo) of  el Pan and Sidra.

Sidra is a traditional beverage fermented from Apple juice.

At night Hugo Caballero invited us to his Despedida (means Farewell). He will walk to Asuncion.

Monday, December 13, 1993

Christmas celebration started

Photo above : A party is not a party without dance

11 December 1993 (Saturday)

I stay at home while Shirley and Lucy went to Ciudad del Este to buy things for tomorrow Christmas Celebration.

Shirley organized for the workers on tomorrow a Christmas Gift Exchange Party. A simple social get together among the production team.

12 December 1993 (Sunday)

Christmas Gift Exchange Party today. The members in this party are Silvina, Jose, Carlos and wife, Luis, Lucy, Mirta, Sixto Torres.

Pedro and Raul weren't able to come. Vanderley was late he came in the afternoon he only gave the gift to Luis.

At night we invited the security guard Luis and wife, his brother Mario (working as Vaporizador) to have a simple dinner in the backyard.  The food is fried Bee Hun.

Thursday, December 9, 1993

Caacupe day

Dec.08, 1993(Wednesday) Today is Caacupe day. A public holiday.

Mr. Quintana gave us a lift to the city.

We went to ciudad del este found only few shops opened in this important public holiday of the Paraguayan.
We bought some Christmas gifts for workers and to our bonita.
We also bought a birthday gift to Alva Caballero the daughter of Caballero.

Sunday, December 5, 1993


Dec.04, 1993 (Saturday) Christmas is coming. Time to start decorating the house.  We bought musical Christmas light and PVC flower vase.

Ole and Oscar came with my mail - subscribed books and magazines. I am using his office’s address.

He brought my advance of US$ 200 in guarani.

Dec.05, 1993 (Sunday) We stayed the whole day in the garden. Lunch time we eat in the garden together with Luis (the guard) and the wife.

At night we have our dinner in the garden together with Carlos and Vanderley.
After the meal, we made Halu-Halu. I scratch the ice while Shirley mixes the ingredient.

Halu-Halu is a Philippine ice desert similar to Malaysian’s ABC (Air Batu Campur).  The Ice scratchier was amount the few items we managed to squeeze into our luggages when we leave Hong Kong for Paraguay.

Thursday, December 2, 1993

The production team

2nd December 1993 Thursday

Photo above : The production team that process raught-sawn to S4S for export to Taiwan.

We took Photograph in the line.
Shirley started organizing gift  exchange day.
In the afternoon we walk to mandiorka garden.

After a couple of days unsuccessful in placing a long distance calls home, Shirley wanted to try again today. At 7:00PM, happen that Mr. Quintana was in the office and he successfully help Shirley get through the phone.

She talked to her Nanay, Mng.Cora and Tino.

Tuesday, November 30, 1993

Memory of a beautiful Spring sunset

29th November 1993

Sun setting, it was such a pretty sunset. Late spring, the breeze is so cool and fresh. Shirley is doing her Spanish Language homework while I played on the new notebook PC bought US$1000 in Hong Kong just couple of weeks before we flew here.

Almost forgotten we have a camera. Took out the camera and happen that Luis, the security guide, came by and lend us a hand for a few snaps. These few snaps became our precious memories of Paraguay - this is our first photograph after arriving here 2 months ago.

We are never alone. Sharing many of our joyous moments in Paraguay are our 3 new found family members. Lobby (Male, white in middle), Goty (Female, black brown in right) and Bugi (Black in left).

It was in Paraguay I learnt what it means "men's best friend"

Monday, November 22, 1993

Calling the opposite end of the Globe

Today is the birthday of Matias. Son of Manager Quintana.

While we have lunch in the garden together with Luis(guard),Jose and Mirta señora Quintana brought us some cake.

Señora or Sra. = Mrs. in Spanish
Señor or Sr. = Mr. in Spanish

Its time to mow the garden.

Nov.22 (Monday)

Today we started producing the 1st batch of Cabreua S4S.


Not stop lighting at the distance sky at the East.
At night power failure.

Nov.27, 93(Saturday)
Before going to the City, at 8:00 Shirley tried to make call home in Philippines but can not get through.

Bought an EPSON dox metric printer.

We rush back from city to factory because Ole is coming from Asuncion. I sited at the wooden arm chair in front of the office and waited for hours

He did not turn up. Such attitude, and some others, is the reasons that his partnership with our Taiwanese Company could not last.

Dec.01 (Thursday)

Evening at 6:00 señor Quintana helps to get the telephone through and Shirley called long distance home to Philippines. This is her first call home after reaching Paraguay. She was happy talking at length with her mother and a sister at the opposite side of the globe.

Several months later the management reminded me not to make such lengthy call again. Thought I never get to see the amount in the telephone bill, it is understood that a call to the opposite side of the earth is always costly.

Sunday, November 21, 1993

Guaraní International Airport

Guaraní International Airport  was inaugurated in the year 1996.

This much talked about new Guaraní International Airport is just 5 kilometres from our factory Macosur.

This international airport was built with Japanese government’s help.

Not a busy airport. A number of international airlines operate here.

Tt is located in the heart of Minga Guazú city,  26 kilometres away from Ciudad del Este. (Macosur factory is located 21 kilometers from Ciudad del Este City)

Sore throat and sensitive skin

Nov.20, 93(Saturday)
Today instead of going to the city I went to hospital for the first time in Paraguay. I had sore throat for days.

Earlier I enquire Mrs. Quintana for a suitable clinic. She recommended Hospital in Km 41. That was also their family clinic.

But Dr. Tanaka said there was nothing wrong with my throat and even prescribes no medicine. Good news for me. I do not have throat cancer as I earlier feared.

After that we went to super market(Km.41) and then we ate in the Japanese restaurant.

Shirley boil guava leaves water for bathing, as we both have skin irritation

Monday, November 15, 1993

Dinner under the Mola trees in Paraguay setting sun

Nov.14, 1993(Sunday) After breakfast 9:00AM Imelda and son came to bring us to visit her parent’s house.

It’s a simple farm with a simple wooden farm house. They have one thing they are proud off … a well of cool fresh water. They show us the well and scoop up a bucket of water and let me test the water. The water is cool and has a sweet taste. A taste that one can never get from the tap water in the city.

About 2 hours we heading home and on the way drop in Km.36 to but some live fresh water fish.

After settle down the fish in the water filled washing basin (the fishes are still alive) we walked to Lorenie’s house where we met her family members and her boyfriends. She is keen to have us to visit her house to meet her boyfriends because they are getting married soon.

(But what I did not tell any one is that the boyfriend does not match Lorenie in characters and the marriage may not be a happy one. The young man does not seem a responsible person.  Sadly this turns out to be truth …. And 1 month later….. )

Lunch time, two of us just walk over to the house of Imelda.

In the afternoon we go back to the house of Lorie to play volleyball.

And off course for the evening, we have fish for dinner in the back yard. We call the security guard to eat with us.

Nov.18, 1993(Thursday)
Nice sunset. We eat dinner under the mola trees in the backyard.

Wednesday, November 10, 1993

“Vendo casa” (House for sale

Nov.9,93 (Tuesday)
After work, we took a walked to house of Luis, the Boiler man, to have a look at his house because he wants to sell for US$5,000. But he wasn't home. So we wonder around the housing estate.

Beside the highway we saw a sign “Vendo casa”  (House for sale). It’s a big house with big land big surrounding. The house taker let us in to briefly see the house surrounding but not the inside.

The land and the house sales for US$300,000 the taker told me.

It is an ideal house and surrounding. I definitely can not afford to buy but perhaps the company may be interested  as the Taiwanese company has a big plan of business expansion oversea such as South America.


At 10:00 morning a lady came to my office. She is the wife of the house caretaker of the USD300,000 house we looked at 2 days ago.

She told that the house owner is now in the house and I could go to talk to him.

I made an appointment during noon break and we went after lunch.

We met him and he brought us into the house to see. We sited and talked for half an hour. His asking price is US$300,000.   Last offer is US$250,000.

Knowing we are looking for house, our factory security guard wants to introduce his neighbour who wants to sales the house too.

So after work we went to the house of this security guide and he brought us to his neighbour.

The son of the house owner open the gate and lead us the see the house.
The land size is as big as the US$300,000 house except this house is bigger and well planted vegetation at the house surropunding.

The land is fertile as can be seen at the growth of the trees and plants in the garden. The son gave us no price unless we are truly interested to buy.

Sunday, November 7, 1993

Mendioka Cake, Fresh Honey and Spanish Lessons

I bought a big transformer for electric drill.

In the afternoon we took a walk in the mandiorka garden.  The farmer is Juan who worked in Macosur before. He brought us into the small farm house to introduce his mom.

For the evening, we were busy making Mendioka cake wrapped in banana leave  using the oven.

Shirley gave some to the security guide and his brother the boilerman.


We have steamed mandiorka as breakfast.

Lunch time under the mola tree we have roosted chicken with rice.


Shirley learning to use Lotus 1-2-3 for the stock data.

Mr. Hinrichs came from Asuncion  with my salary advance of USD200 in Guarani.

After work at 4:00PM, Jose, a worker, started collecting honey. He put on a head mask and chest away the bees with a smoke gun producing smoke from burning half dried leaves.

The factory maintains a few boxed of honey bees at the bushes. This is my first time to see a real bee hive after removing from the boxes.

Shirley was helping Jose collecting honey from the hives. How do they separate honey from hives? By using 2 bare hands to squeeze the sticky liquid out and collect with a pail on the ground.

They asked me to help. I certainly like to experience such. But I told them just a minute while I return home to wash my 2 hands first.

Jose gave a bottle of honey to us.

Today, is our first Spanish Lesson. Teacher is Mrs. Kintana, the wife of Kintana. Our “classroom” is the veranda of their house.

Three lessons a week Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Company paid the tuition fees. She lends us a copy of Spanish magazine Readers Digest.

Wednesday, November 3, 1993

Foods in Paraguay

NOVEMBER 02,1993(Tuesday)

A young worker was selling el pan (Home made local bread). Shirley bought a loaf from him. First time to try this bread. The bread is nice and I suggested Shirley to order from him regularly.

Nov.5,1993 (Friday)

Getting hot in Paraguay. Because of the heat a lizard from the nearby jungle stroll in our factory compound for food. This is the same type of lizard commonly found back home in Malaysia.

A few workers rush forward to kill this lizard. This species of lizard is not endangered specie but abundant in the wild.  It’s ok if the workers consume it after they killed it. But if not for food but just for the desire of killing, then it a sin.

I have tested this type of lizard a couple of time. It is delicious in test. I believe the workers did cooked and eat the lizard.

Saturday, October 23, 1993

Fish for sales

Oct.22 1993 (Friday)
Around 11:30 one of the S4S machine has trouble and stopped.
We producing Guatambu 象牙木 S4S

Oct.23 1993 (Sat)  5th Saturday

We went to Ciudad del Este. Went straight to a Chinese Restaurant for the buffee style lunch.
We know where to eat now.

Oct.24, 1993 (Sun.) Lucy and husband Angelo came with their car to bring us to the church nearby. We arrived at 8:10Am. The church service already started at 8:00AM.

After church we visited Lucy’s home and had lunch.

The husband wanted to serve beer, but I asked for juice. Angelo made fresh Pineapple juice for us.

We finished eating lunch at around 12:00.After eating,  the brother of Angelo came with the car to send us home.

Late afternoon we took a walk to the pond again. The water plant I planted has only one left.

A long line of dark big ants each carrying a small portion of leave marching back into their holes.

Oct.25, 1993 (Monday)

Month ending. Shirley started busy with stock counting again. She finished work at around 6:30 P.M.

Oct.27, 1993 (Wednesday)

After work, workers of Macosur enjoy playing volleyball

Oct.28, 1993 (Thursday) We stroll going straight from Caballeros house. While standing on the way the guard saw us and he let us sit in front of their house. I sat down also in the seesaw that he has made.

Oct, 29, 1993 (Friday) I wasn't able to finished the inventory .I go home again late because of the inventory. On Sunday I will continue again (inventory)

Oct.30 1993 (Saturday) 6th Saturday

Bought a few items of capentry tools.

We went to the Confiteria Sweet (restaurant) to eat ice cream. For lunch they do not have rice or noodles so we order sandwich and hamburger.

Oct.31 1993 (Sunday)  A Sunny day. Silvina invited us to visit her house today. We took 2 buses to Villa hijazi, the road where Silvinas house is.

Silvina is a single parent with 2 young daughters living in a wooden house just few kilometers from Macosur factory.

Silvina served us lunch of  beef, el pan, machorka and  cabbage salad. After lunch Silvina suggest to watch football match at KM41 and off we went with her car leaving the two young girls at home.

Km41 is a Japanese town.

On the way back I saw a sign by the road side say “Fish for sale”. I baught 3 kilos of Tropical fish and gave 1 to Silvina.

Monday, October 11, 1993

My first hair cut in Paraguay

Oct.10,1993 (Sunday)

Late afternoon 4:30PM I took a walk on country road together with Shirley and Paul.

I just love the farms along the mud with sheep, cows, and also sugar cane plants.

Our last stop was an empty ground where two teams of country forks playing football. And amount the crowd a few young men recognize us. They are workers in Macosur factory.

Oct.16, 1993(Saturday) 4th Saturday in Paraguay

The 3 sisters (Taiwanese) invited us to a Chinese restaurant for lunch.

Bought electric hair cutter for 43,200 Guarani.

7:30PM  My turn to invite the group for dinner this time. For a change Quintana suggested a Japanese restaurant.

So Paul, Quintana and wife, and two of us has a Japanese dinner

Some one suggested ice cream for desert but this restaurant does not have.

Mrs. Quintana suggested an Ice Cream shop near by. In that ice cream shop there is a small play ground for children and we ate outside because fresh air.

The serving of ice cream is very big. We each select 2 flavored in one cone.

Oct, 17, 1993 (Sunday)

Many caterpillars under the molar tree. The colors are black, white and yellow.

We visited the pond together with the 2 dogs.
Whitey and blackey jumped into pond and enjoyed a swim.

The hair cutter we bought is put into first use today. Shirley cut my hair. Her first time of cutting hair too.

At around 5:30 in the afternoon Ya Chin, the father, the mother and the cousin came here to visit us.

Oct.19, 1993 (Tuesday)

Paul is leaving the factory today for going back to Taiwan. Mr. Ole Hinrichs came to pick him to Assunsion.

Sunday, October 3, 1993

Weekends in Paraguay

Oct.02 1993(SATURDAY) 2nd Weekend in Paraguay

Its Saturday again. This is our 2nd Saturday in Paraguay.  The factory is a 5 days week working system.

Last weekend we went down to Ciudad del Este city for the first time with colleagues in company car.
This weekend, that is Today, Shirley and I decided to venture ourselves by public bus to the city.

There is no shortage of public transport as Macosur factory is just beside the highway, a highway linking the capital city Asuncion with Ciudad del Este. Each day we see vehicle from container carriers to buses and taxi passing by our quarter.

We walk and walk around the city until we reached the restaurant of Japanese for lunch.

We return home by bus around 5:00P.M.

7:30 P.M Paul announce he will give everyone a dinner so off we went to the city again.
In the group of 9 in 2 cars are Mr.  & Mrs. Quintana, Mr. & Mrs. Caballero, Raul (the technician) and a visitor of Mr. Quintana.

Oct.03, 1993 (SUNDAY) This afternoon both of us went to the lake with the 2 dogs.  I carefully put the water plants I bought yesterday into the pond with the hope the plants will grow and multiply.

Oct 09,1993 (Saturday) 3rd Saturday in Paraguay.
I need a post office box for mails. The main thing to do this weekend to Ciudad del Este is to obtain a Post Office box.

Previous week we already enquired the direction to the post office.  But unsure the exact location, we took a taxi and conviently located the post office.

Shirley already has  6 letters to mail Hong Kong and Philippines postages cost 2990 guarani.

Renting a post box is easy.  Almost immediately the Post Master gave me a post box  51500 Guaranies.

At around 2:00 we bought silver heart with our name from a street craftman. The craft cost 3,000 but we gave him 5,000.

We stroll and stroll the city and by 3:00PM we happen to entered a Taiwanese mini supermarkets where I make acquentent with the middle age owner.

To day we came to the city  also with hope of  stumple upon the shop of the 3 sisters we met in the flight. When we first met 3 weeks ago they only told that parent has a shop in this city but left behind no address and telephone.

Now since this supermarket owner also from Taiwan he might happen to know the who and who from Taiwan. and enquire where he know about any one has 3 daughter arrived recently and shown him the piece of paper with the 3 names.

To my great surprise, he knows them and simutenousely picked up the phone and start talking :
 “………. Your friends are in my shops now……… you come over now……..”

Shirley wanted to buy a pencil case and a stool from their shop.
The mother gave them as gift to Shirley.

We waited for  30 minutes for a bus to return home.

Wednesday, September 29, 1993

Life in a wood factory in Paraguay


Shirley assisted in parquet classification.

The 3 classification of Guatambu parquet are:
A – Light color good surface looking for exporting Taiwan
L – Mixed color of dark and light.
C – Ugliest looking surface with knots.

Kintana has 3 children. Sofia and Laura and a youngest son.

Sept.29, 1993 (Wednesday)

Month ending. Started inventory taking.

There are a few bags of Palosanto small pieces.

Secretary of Macosor, Silvina invited Shirley to her near by house for lunch.

They have carrot juice and mix salad fruit for dessert.

At night it rain. Raining down from the sky was rain drops were ice pieces.

Sept.30,1993 (Thursday)
Strong wind midnight and power supply black out a few times.

This morning woke up to learn that certain part of factory roof was damage by halt.

It’s a rainy day today.

11:45AM Ole came from Asuncion and gave a lunch treat in Lee Garden Restaurant in Ciudad del Este.

Rosie prepared lunch for us which we kept for Dinner.

Tuesday, September 21, 1993

Life in Macosur factory

Sept 20, 1993 (Monday) St. Paulo?/ Asuncion

 7:45AM (Hong Kong is 7:45 P.M.) Our Varig  flight No:RG829 arrived São Paolo of Brazil early morning. Almost all passenger clapped their hands.

In the flightwe get to know 3 sisters from Taiwan who were also on their first trip to Paraguay. It was an unexpected to see Chinese also going to this far remorted corner of the earth. While waiting at São Paolo Airport for the connecting flight to Asunsion of Paraguay, I tried to helped them to use the public phone to connect to their parent in Paraguay and some how I could not get the right connection.

10:40AM we transferred into a smaller airplane to Asuncion, capital of Paraguay.

Asunción is serviced by the Silvio Pettirossi International Airport, which is also the country’s main gateway. The airport is located in Luque, a suburb of Asunción.

It’s a small airport. A swarm of baggage porters at the luggage claim area and before I could say yes or no a porters already started pushing our luggage trolley toward the exit where Mr. Ole has not difficulties to identify us. He paid the tip to the porter as I have no Guarani.

He send us to Paramanta hotel a nice simple place with a nice garden and the owner is German.

At night Mr. Hinrichs invited us dinner Diamond Restaurant. A Chinese restaurant.

Sep. 21, 1993 (Tuesday) First day in Macosur
I awake 4:30AM in morning by the singing of birds in Paramanta Hotel. I just enjoy sitting under the quite peaceful morning ray till breakfast time around 7:30.

At 8:30 Ole came and off we went to Ciudad del Este by road 3 hours.

In the way we stopped at a famous steak restaurant for lunch.

Afternoon we reached Macosur Factory and the first people we saw are Kintana and Paul standing besides the wooden office building waiting for us.

Among the first thing we did was Paul brought us to see the production line in the factory. This is why I came here for, as their new production supervisor.

Sept.24,1993 (Friday)

This is the last working day of the week. It is only 5 days operation.
Factory starts at 6:00AM and end at 4:00PM
Our usual dinner time is 6:00PM.

Shirley became good friends to Ana and Laura whom she gave a hair clip each as gift.

Sept. 25 1993(Saturday)

Today is Saturday and factory off day.

The maid, Lucy, also off on each Saturday

After breakfast around 8:30 A.M. Paul and two of us together with Mr. Caballero went to supermarket in the city using company’s car.

We bought necessities such as toothbrush, pail, Vegetables, and so many things.

We have lunch in a Chinese restaurant.

Monday, September 20, 1993

To the other side of the globe

Sept.19, 1993(Sunday) Last Day in Hong Kong

Today we are leaving for Paraguay from Hong Kong.
Shirley has live here for 2 years and I lived here for more then 6 years. We were both workers in Hong Kong – Shirley a domestic helper while I was an office worker.

8:30AM Gloria came to our boarding house to give a helping hand.

10:00AM Both of us took the Ferry off from Cheung Chau to Kai Tak International Airport. Waiving farewell at the ferry pair were Gloria, Gloreen, Angie, Tita and Mirriam.

From Jim Sha Tsui, we board the shatter airport bus to the airport. Howard came to the airport to see us off.

2:30PM passenger started boarding though the plane started moving only at 4:30PM and within 2 minutes the plane was in the sky.

Two hours later the plan stopped over at Bangkok International Airport for 1 hour refill.

Thailand time is only 5:30PM while Hong Kong is already 6:30PM. We began the experience of “Traveling backward in time” in which we gained 1 hour of extra time. This flight continued until we reach Paraguay by then we have gain half day (6 hours) of extra time in our life.

We stop over again in Johannesburg at 11:45PM and Hong Kong time is 5:45AM morning of the next day. So officially I have ever ‘Landed’ on the great continent of African though I never actually set a foot step on the soil.

Saturday, September 18, 1993

Farewell Dinners

Sept.17,1993 Friday Hong Kong
Gloria family invited us to their flat for a farewell dinner. We are leaving Hong Kong in 2 days time on 19th September 1993 for job offer in Paraguay. Their flat is just 5 minutes walk.

After dinner we return home to continue packing our luggage.

Sept.18,1993 (Saturday) Hong Kong
Howard invited us to Hong Kong for farewell dinner in Chinese restaurant. Lawrence is already waiting for us with his two daughters when we reached there. Howard Tsai arrived after us.

Thursday, June 10, 1993

Marriage Registry Hall, Hong Kong

Marriage in procession at Hong Kong marriage registry by registrar (middle standing)

In Marriage Registry Hall at Hong Kong City Hall, High Block, First Floor, Central Hong Kong.

In the same City Hall building is a library where I used to visit before I started work.

On 9th June 1993 we registered our marriage here.

Saturday, January 2, 1993

San Martn3 star hotel
Av. San martn 889 c/Austria

Tel : 600 309

Spacious rooms, breakfast food in Japan
Hotel Uchiyamada 内山田
Constitucion 763, Asuncion, Paraguay
Tel: (595) 214165

New Tokio Restaurant
TEL: 64379