Went with Shirley to Brazil Embassy to apply for another Visa. I was supposed to go to Brazil yesterday, but last minute realized the visa is expired. Since last year 1996, I go to Brazil almost once a month. Because the wood in Paraguay is getting less, Brazil side still has vast jungle.
My lost my spectacle last trip in Brazil. I left it on the top of telephone booth after making a call to the supplier to come to pick me. After reaching the factory to start QC inspection work I remember the spectacle was left on the telephone boot.
That spectacle was a good one which I made in Perth Spectacle Shop in Chung Chau Island in 1993. In my preparation to move to South America, I also had two spectacles made thinking that Paraguay was difficult to find such service. (I was wrong). I ordered two one dark sunglass and one clear lens that auto adjust color according to sunlight. It was this clear eyeglass I lost in Brazil.